Adoption of the minutes
Adoption of the minutes

I also wanted to know, that if the minute do contain a motion that the General Membership does not agree with, when is it brought to the floor for discussion. I have read on this forum that voting on the minutes does not constitute voting on the motions contained in those minutes and was just looking for the page reference in RONR that substantiates that. It is my understanding that they were voting that the minutes were an accurate reflection of what occurred at the meeting not on the motions that took place in the meeting. We also have members who believe that by doing this they also voted on the motions contained therein. However, we have Board minutes that were voted on to "accept as read" in the past. I understand now from reading this message board, that we should not have been voting on the minutes, but rather adopting the minutes and that will be corrected at future meetings.

adoption of the minutes

All other motions made are presented within the minutes. Our bylaws also require that "Executive Committee Minutes will be read to the General Membership, as may be pertinant." When the Board deals with a members misconduct, those items are NOT presented to the General Membership within the minutes as they deal with an individuals character. No committee or officer shall at any time, overrule the majority vote of the general membership."īecause of this, decisions made by the Board (Executive Committee) are not final until approved by the membership. Our Bylaws read: "The government and management, unless otherwise provided by the Post Constitution and Bylaws, of this Post is to be entrusted to an Executive Committee, however, the final and ruling voice of authority in all management affairs pertaining to this Post shall be the general membership.

adoption of the minutes

I guess you could say.This is the way it's always been done, right or wrong.

Adoption of the minutes